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Public Speaking for Teens...

After many years of teaching and coaching speech and drama, public speaking and youth leadership workshops in the private school system, I took for granted that students would be able to stand up and speak with confidence, clarity and success.

In the schools that I had the privilege of teaching in, students were consistently provided with many rich and diverse opportunities to stand up and speak – this speaking experience was ingrained in the culture of learning.

From Kindergarten, every student was encouraged to participate in and present at school assemblies, eisteddfods, debating teams, school productions and various public speaking competitions. For the students, the practice of speaking in front of an audience was an enjoyable sharing of dramatic expression, information and ideas – this is just the way it happened! This practice traversed all of the key learning areas and as a by-product, nurtured a standard of excellence in oral communication and presentation skills.

However, upon returning to university as a mature age student, I was shocked by the apparent lack of self-confidence and disappointing standard in oral presentation. I was surrounded by some of the brightest, most innovative and creative individuals I had ever met, academically gifted and highly intellectual. However, when it came to presenting their research findings, they had difficulty in expressing them!

Public Speaking for Teens

We are proud to launch Public Speaking for Teens for Junior and Senior School age children and University students. It’s not rocket science, you just need the right tools and the right feedback to achieve your best in public speaking and presentation!


An interactive and enjoyable introduction to the basics of Speech Presentation. Emphasis will be placed on each student delivering, several short speeches with feedback provided as to where strengths lie and where improvements can be made. Through practice students gain confidence and an understanding of what connects, engages and maintains an audience’s attention.

Coaching for Results

Apart from immediate feedback after each presentation, students will gain deeper and broader understanding by observing the presentations of fellow students and receiving their feedback. From the opportunities presented in this unit, students should feel confident that their future public presentations will be well received.


Understand the importance of structure, content and delivery techniques.

Incorporate and apply presentation tools to engage, connect and inspire an audience.

Become comfortable and confident with own delivery techniques.

The course covers aspects such as:

  • Relaxation and correct breathing methods

  • Voice projection

  • Articulation

  • Body language and hand gestures

  • Storytelling

  • Practice impromptu speaking

  • Practice structuring and writing and presenting your speech

  • Using Visual Aids effectively

  • Knowing your audience and how to connect.

Public Speaking for Teens - Coaching, teaching and training for Junior and Senior school aged children and University students in all facets of Public Speaking and Presentation.

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